Strangelove Dunkerque

9th - 24th November 2018

In partnership with La Plate-Forme, Dunkirk's contemporary art laboratory, Strangelove held an open call for international performers with an important link over the duration, the time given to the action to have their work screened in Dunkirk in November 2018. The selected artists work will be  exhibited in a presentation of videos (performance tracks or performative videos) shown at La Plate-Forme in November and in the Uk in 2019.

As part of this 3 week programme at La Platform Strangelove will be presenting 3 contemporary performances by 3 Folkestone based Artists.

Exhibiting artists:


Claude Cattelain

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Julie Le Toquin

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Wilfried Dsainbayonne

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Églantine Chaumont

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Lucie Mercadal

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Pablo-Martín Córdoba

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Michaël Allibert & Jérôme Grivel

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Jacques Lennep

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Romain Gandolphe

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Samuel Buckman

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Stéphane Billot & Isabelle Crespo Rocha

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Friday 16th November 2018

A Body 2018 (photo by Manuel Vason)

A Body 2018 (photo by Manuel Vason)


23rd November 2018

Layers 2018

Layers 2018